"The biggest enemy of a goalkeeper is only yourself"
The mental game of a goalkeeper is the most important component in your game. But too few goalkeepers work in this field in their training, especially young goalkeepers. Some coaches say ice hockey is 90% mental and 10% physical work, or even 80% to 20%. There is no right answer to this question, but I can tell you that if you are not mentally strong enough in the game, even if you have prepared yourself well physically, you will not succeed.
Goalie is the most important position in ice hockey. You're on the ice the whole game and you have to be 100% focused at all times. If a player makes a mistake, it is not so noticeable. But if a goalie makes a mistake, it's immediately on the scoreboard and all eyes are on you! That's why you must be very mentally strong to be able to endure this pressure!
Every goalie is a different person and there are different ways to explain this "topic" in more
At CGGC, we work very closely with you on this very important part of the game. Our first step is to find out how to prepare for your training and for your game with our Peak Performance Manuel. Starting with our 18 rules for a goalie, that you will learn at one of our camps of course. In our seminars we will explain to you how a goalie must and should deal with pressure. After our camp, you will be able to better deal with your mental game. If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact our mental trainer online. Get in touch today and start your training for the mental game right away. Just send us an email or go to our Mental game page on this website.
What factors are related to success in sports?
Performance knowledge
Anxiety management